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07.12.2019 07:23
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Cell phones are everywhere and I believe they are here to stay. With the advent of cellular phones for public use came a whole host of issues that I don't think anyone expected Carmelo Anthony Jersey , at least not in the magnitude we are seeing today. There are two kinds of cell phone safety and then there is cell phone etiquette. There is practical cell phone safety, which addresses the safest ways for you to use your cell, and etiquette plays a huge part in this. The other safety concern is that there are some health risks to those who use cellular phones. We will look at each issue in turn and hopefully give people something to ponder.

Cell phones and driving are a big controversy. As a matter of fact many states in the United States are contemplating enacting legislation that would ban the use of cell phones in a car. While I think something has to be done about using cell phones while driving Cheap Knicks Hats , I don't think it is a practical idea to ban their use altogether in vehicles. I don't know how it would be monitored except to develop technology that would block all numbers while driving except emergency numbers. Until such a thing occurs or people start refraining as much as possible from using a cell phone in their cars we must be extra careful on the road.

Driving safely while using a cell phone is a contradiction I think. There are however, some things you can do to improve your safety and that of others. The most important thing is to learn about your phone and all its features, (i.e. speed dial and redial). Memorize the keypad in the event you need to make a phone call while driving. Learn specifically about the speed dial feature. The numbers you should put on speed dial is your spouse Cheap Knicks Hoodies , 911, your job, your child's school Cheap Knicks T-Shirts , and the number of a close relative that is not your spouse. As it is conversations on the cell phone while driving will take your attention off the road.

If you have to use your cell phone while driving a hands free kit is a good choice. Conversations however, still should be kept to a minimum and where possible you should not talk if you are moving or in a hazardous situation (i.e. icy roads or heavy traffic). A speaker phone kit is available as well as a safety choice. Here again be mindful of when and where you are talking on the cell phone. While you may be able to maintain your attention on the road while using a speakerphone take care to ensure that the conversation is not intense and is as quick as possible.

Place your phone within relatively easy reach so you don't have to fumble for it. You might not be able to get the phone without taking your attention off the road. The safest way to handle calls while you are driving is to let your voice mail pick up the call. You can always call whomever it was that called you. Do not take notes, or look for a phone number while driving. If you absolutely must dial a number while driving punch two or three numbers then look at the road and so on.

Cell phones operate using radio frequencies (RF) to make and receive calls. Government standards call for a low SAR. If it is a high number there is a serious risk of radiation emissions from your phone into your ear. High emissions heat tissue in very much the same manner as a microwave oven does. This essentially cooks the tissue. On the other hand however Customized Knicks Jerseys , low emissions have not been proven to cause any health risks. You can minimize the amount of exposure to radiation by properly using your antenna or not blocking it. If an antenna is blocked it begins to heat up and the radiation only has one place to go your ear. Usually if you hold your phone at the bottom of the phone you probably won't block your antenna.

You can use your cell phone to call for help in the event of an emergency; emergency calls are free. Use your cell phone to be a 'Good Samaritan.' If you see an accident, a car on the side of the road with mechanical trouble, or a crime in progress Knicks Big Tall Jerseys , call 911. If someone is in danger you can call 911 as well. An example of this follows: while driving across a bridge I noted that a group of kids jumping from the edge of the bridge into the water below. There were sharp rocks below and anything could have happened.

Identity theft is also a serious concern with cellular phones. There is technology available that enables the recording of your frequencies, they are then decoded, and can be programmed into another phone using your information. People have been known to run up astronomical bills using this method. In recent weeks a new device has come on the market that jams cell phone signals rendering cell phones in a radius of just a few miles useless. Be responsible Knicks City Edition Jerseys , be safe, and be a considerate cell phone user.

With spring giving way to summers, you need to store many of the winter garments away so that you can enjoy the summer apparels. In the same way you need to take care of the upholstery in your house so that they are prepared for the summers. Most of us go for upholstery cleaning Perth once or twice a year at the most. Thus it is important to get it cleaned by a professional. However today we are going to discuss some common things that you can do on a daily basis so that the upholstery remains presentable till you hire a professional to clean it.

Make it a point to eat all your food on the dining table and not on the sofa set. At times Cheap Knicks Jerseys , when the kids are watching television, they end up eating popcorns and chips while sitting on the sofa. As such some popcorns and some chips flake fall on the sides of the sofa. If you do not pay attention they will remain there and deteriorate the quality of the sofa. To avoid these things from happening insist that everyone eats on the dining table. You will able to collect all the crumbs after eating and can get rid of them in a proper fashion.

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